Menjadi Seorang Perempuan yang Berpendidikan Tinggi, Apakah Itu Penting?

Setiap perempuan memiliki kodrat untuk menjadi ibu rumah tangga. Hal ini sering digunakan sebagai alasan bahwa seorang perempuan tidak membutuhkan pendidikan tinggi bila ia hanya tinggal di rumah atau menjadi ibu rumah tangga. Ini adalah stigma sosial yang masih tumbuh di lingkungan kita. Namun, menjadi seorang perempuan yang berpendidikan tinggi adalah penting. Kita harus mengubah stigma sosial tersebut. Berikut ini alasan mengapa menjadi seorang perempuan yang berpendidikan tinggi penting adalah:
Pertama, saat ini kita hidup di era globalisasi saat semua orang termasuk perempuan diwajibkan mengikuti semua perkembangan. Orang yang berpendidikan tinggi akan dengan mudah mengikuti semua perkembangan yang terjadi dan hal tersebut akan terus berkembang. orang yang berpendidikan tinggi akan mudah bersosialisasi karena mereka memiliki banyak relasi, mereka akan memiliki kehidupan sosial yang besar. Seorang perempuan harus berusaha sekuat tenaga untuk menjadi perempuan yang berpendidikan tinggi, jadi dia akan bertahan di era ini karena pendidikan merupakan salah satu alat untuk memberdayakan seorang perempuan dan menurut Dr.Josephine Azuka Onyido dari University of Port Harcourt di makalahnya yang berjudul Pendidikan dan Perempuan di Era Globalisasi, ia mengatakan bahwa "Pendidikan perempuan adalah alat penting untuk keluarga dan pembangunan nasional, perempuan harus meraih semua jalan terbuka bagi mereka untuk bersekolah dengan tujuan meningkatkan kekuatan sosial dan politik mereka di masyarakat, ini adalah alasan kuat mengapa Pemerintah di  seluruh dunia harus mengasumsikan tanggung jawab untuk menyediakan pendidikan dana pendidikan terutama pendidikan dasar bagi perempuan". Dalam era globalisasi ini, jika seorang perempuan tidak mendapatkan pendidikan, dia tampak seperti seorang perempuan kuno.
Kedua, seperti yang kita tahu bahwa di era ini, perempuan menuntut kesetaraan dengan laki-laki. Mereka tidak ingin ada perbedaan antara perempuan dan laki-laki. Kebanyakan perempuan di jaman ini tidak ingin jika mereka hanya menjadi ibu rumah tangga. Mereka lebih memilih untuk menjadi ibu rumah tangga dan juga seorang wanita karir. Mereka ingin menerapkan pengetahuan yang telah mereka peroleh di bangku kuliah, mereka ingin berinteraksi lebih banyak dengan dunia luar, ingin membantu suaminya untuk meningkatkan ekonomi keluarga. Mereka tidak ingin hanya tinggal di rumah sepanjang waktu untuk melakukan pekerjaan rumah tangga, tetapi mereka ingin berinteraksi dengan dunia luar. Ini semua tentang pemberdayaan perempuan. Menurut Manjeet Sharma, dia adalah seorang sekretaris Forum Perempuan di Sektor Publik, dalam sambutannya dia mengatakan bahwa "Pendidikan diakui sebagai suatu ukuran penting. Pendidikan adalah salah satu cara yang paling penting untuk pemberdayaan perempuan, dengan pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan kepercayaan diri yang diperlukan untuk berpartisipasi penuh dalam proses pembangunan. "Dengan demikian, saya sebagai penulis berasumsi bahwa pendidikan adalah cara terbaik untuk memberdayakan kualitas seorang perempuan.
Ketiga, salah satu tugas dari seorang ibu rumah tangga adalah mendidik anak-anak mereka, sehingga seorang ibu harus memastikan bahwa anak-anak mereka berkembang dengan baik. Kita tahu bahwa pendidikan dasar bagi anak-anak tidak dari pendidikan formal atau pendidikan non-formal tetapi dari pendidikan informal, yaitu dari keluarga dan lingkungan. Jika ada seorang ibu yang berpendidikan di dalam keluarga, mereka akan mempunyai anak yang terdidik. Sangat mudah untuk ibu yang berpendidikan untuk mengatur anak-anaknya. Anda bisa bayangkan jika seorang perempuan tidak berpendidikan. Saya percaya bahwa dia kurang bisa mengelola anak-anaknya dengan baik, terutama dalam hal pendidikan untuk anak-anaknya. Menurut Wikipedia "seorang perempuan yang berpendidikan memainkan peran lebih aktif dalam keluarga dan juga membawa manfaat sosial bagi anggota keluarga." Coba lihat di Alasan pertama bahwa saat ini kita tengah hidup di era globalisasi, sehingga sebagai seorang ibu, mereka harus benar-benar perlu tahu tentang semua yang dampak baik dan buruk dari perkembangan zaman yang terjadi. Oleh karena itu, mereka dapat mengantisipasi jika ada kemungkinan-kemungkinan buruk dari perubahan zaman ini untuk anak-anak mereka. Saya menyimpulkan bahwa bagaimana kondisi keluarga adalah refleksi dari siapa perempuan yang ada di dalam keluarga tersebut.

Beberapa alasan dan hasil penelitian yang saya sebutkan di atas cukup jelas bahwa menjadi seorang perempuan yang berpendidikan tinggi sangatlah bermanfaat bagi kehidupan Anda sendiri, terutama di zaman ini dan apa pun keputusan Anda nanti, menjadi ibu rumah tangga atau wanita karir atau keduanya, menjadi seorang perempuan yang berpendidikan tinggi itu penting. Oleh karena itu, saya menantang Anda menjadi seorang perempuan yang berpendidikan tinggi.

Digital Technologies for English Language Learning

Digital technologies have grown so fast and still growing time to time. Every people in the world give positive response on that, becuase digital technologies give many benefits in some aspects in our life, especially in education field. We can utilize digital technologie as media to learn-to improve our knowledge, especially in improving our English skills. Dealing with digital technologies is so fun and it is easy to us to improve our skills in English. We can not stand in our own foot, of course we need something to help.  There are so many English educational applications that have created and we can use it as media to improve our skills in English (writing, listening, speaking, and reading). 

Please take a look at some English educational applications in improving our WRITING SKILL: 

a.       ProWritingAid
If you haven't already added ProWritingAid to your writer's toolbox, do it now. This free online app helps you edit your work in a much faster and more efficient way. It highlights a whole range of potential writing pitfalls like overly complicated sentences, vague and abstract language, passive voice, or repetitive words and phrases (24 writing reports in total). Give it a try.
Getting started on an essay, novel, or any form of writing may require some brainstorming. This website allows you to quickly and easily brainstorm or create a map for your ideas. This simple, easy-to-use site makes it painless to organize ideas with the use of customization of bubble color, text size and formatting, and even hyperlinks. This site is free to use, and you don’t even need to make an account unless you want to save your data.
c.       WiseMapping
WiseMapping is free and easy to register for on the internet. Input simple information, such as your name, email address, and a username and password, to become a member and gain access to this mind mapping tool. WiseMapping is fairly basic, but can really help when it comes to brainstorming or problem solving.
d.      yWriter5
Designed by Simon Haynes, a writer and computer programmer, yWriter5 is a useful tool for novelists. yWriter5 breaks your novel up into scenes and chapters for you while you write, making it easier to manage. Among many other things, this software tracks your progress, and makes it easy to rearrange your novel with its drag and drop capabilities.
When writing a complex story with multiple plot lines, you may need a little help keeping track of all that is going on. Storybook will be there to help you through the process of writing your book by helping you to keep track of your overview. Basic Storybook has four views to help you, along with other useful tools incorporated in those views. The four views are Chronological View, Manage Chapters and Scenes View, Book View, and Reading View.
f. Q10
It’s difficult for anyone to write when they are distracted. Luckily Q10 is there to minimize distractions and help to increase writing potential. This downloadable software is a full screen environment with all kinds of goodies to help you along. This app remembers what you worked on last and will automatically open it at start up. It also has a timer that you can set to remind you to take a bit of a break; you can even set a word count goal for yourself. One of the best elements of this software is the automatic save. You never have to worry about remembering to save your document while you write, because you can have Q10 save your work by the minute or by paragraphs written.
These are some educational applications for improving READING SKILL:


One of the most innovative websites to be developed in the last several years, is a free online tool that helps improve students’ reading comprehension in multiple ways.
First, a user pastes or imports text into a text box on the site. Rewordify then analyzes this text, looking for words and phrases that may be difficult to understand. Once the site locates difficult or problematic language, it replaces it with simpler words to aid students’ understanding. TheRewordifying Engine includes multiple settings so that users can choose from several reading levels. Users can click on the replacement words to display either the original, more difficult language or individual words’ definitions (in a variety of forms — in the margins, in separate columns, or superimposed over the initial version of the text).
Students also have the option of reading the original and replaced words with built-in text-to-speech functionality for auditory reinforcement.
After Rewordify identifies the difficult words and phrases, it provides students with a series of activities to help them learn new vocabulary. One way it does this is by collecting troublesome text in a series of flashcards (which also offer integrated text-to-speech). The site can also administer quizzes in different formats (e.g., word bank, matching) to aid in the learning process.
Finally, Rewordify has a collection of classic literature (like Shakespeare’s plays) and historic documents (like the Declaration of Independence) that students can access, read, and better understand by using the site’s unique comprehension tools.

Snap&Read Universal

Created for students and teachers, Snap&Read Universal is a Google Chrome extension that reads language aloud (including text on Flash-based websites that typically can’t be copied and pasted) using integrated text-to-speech with synchronized highlighting.
To aid in reading comprehension, Snap&Read allows students to use a text-leveling tool similar to the one found on Students can select text that they have a hard time understanding, and the Web browser extension will identify and replace difficult words with simpler ones. The level of linguistic complexity can be adjusted in the Options tab.
In addition, Snap&Read has a unique outlining tool that can also help with reading comprehension. After it is activated, students can highlight the main ideas of a reading, and those passages are automatically extracted and placed into an outline located in the browser’s sidebar that can be easily edited. The outline can then be dragged and dropped into a word processor, like Google Docs, for students to integrate into a reading summary.


The idea behind Newsela is simple but powerful, and it can have a big impact on developing the reading comprehension of diverse learners. Newsela is a website that publishes current events articles each day on a variety of topics pertaining to most school subjects. Every article has five versions, each written for students at different reading levels. After a student reads the version that matches her skill level, she can take corresponding quizzes to test her knowledge.
A professional subscription to the site allows teachers to integrate Newsela more deeply and meaningfully into their classrooms. For example, they can gather data and track the reading progress of individual students or entire classes. They can also create and assign writing prompts based on particular articles as a means of further assessing their students’ comprehension.
All told, Newsela provides a perfect platform for implementing accessible Universal Design for Learning principles — it invites users of various levels and with a range of abilities to participate fully.

Immersion Reading

Based on the idea that multisensory activities provide deeper and longer-lasting learning, Immersion Reading is an e-book technology that combines recorded audiobooks with synchronized highlighting of electronic text. The result of a partnership between and, it allows students to read books with their eyes and ears at the same time, leading to better comprehension and retention of subject matter. Since it does not rely on synthesized text-to-speech and instead uses the vocal performance of a professional actor or broadcaster, it makes auditory reinforcement of written text a more authentic multisensory experience.
Currently, complete Immersion Reading is available using Amazon’s Kindle Fire tablet and the Kindle for Android app. Users can also read and listen to books simultaneously on the Kindle for iOS app, but text highlighting is not supported on Apple devices at this time.


Another multisensory strategy for improving reading comprehension involves electronic graphic organizers, and Inspiration Software provides one of the best platforms for accomplishing this task. Available for both desktop computers and iOS devices, Inspiration allows students to create visual representations of the characters, themes, and plot summaries of works of fiction. It also lets them visually map the details of textbook chapters and current events articles. Any language that is included can be read aloud with text-to-speech technology. In addition, users can add links to Web-based articles and videos to provide supporting materials.
One characteristic of Inspiration that sets it apart from other mind-mapping software is its collection of readymade templates. Templates that can aid in reading comprehension include: Character Traits, Fiction Reading Notes, Plot Analysis, Compare and Contrast, and KWL Organizer (KWL is an acronym explaining what students already know, what knowledge theywant to gain, and what they ultimately learned from a reading) .
It can be challenging for students to consume large amounts of written material during their academic careers. Nevertheless, getting through their reading assignments with solid comprehension is a key component of a quality education. Today, there are plenty of technology tools to help.
Five ways elementary teachers can help students improve listening and speaking skills
While other areas of literacy often receive more attention and instruction, strong listening and speaking skills are integral to students’ success in both school and daily life. But teaching students how to listen (and listen well) requires using several strategies, as does teaching them to formulate responses to what they have heard. The following tips will provide some ways elementary teachers can help to hone these skills in students.
1. Provide pre-learning activities that enable students to focus on what is important
These activities might include key vocabulary terms, an outline of what will be taught, study guides and objectives. This information makes it possible for students to know where and how to focus their listening and then develop stronger oral responses that are more focused.
2. Stop repeating instructions
This advice may go against what teachers typically do, which is to repeat directions or steps multiple times to ensure student comprehension. However, giving instructions multiple times trains students that they do not have to listen the first time, and that the information will be readily available if they choose not to listen.
This doesn’t mean students can’t ask clarifying questions, nor does it mean the information is no longer available after the teacher stops talking. Teachers must be clear that students can ask them to clarify themselves, or can ask peers for information prior to asking the teacher to repeat him or herself.
3. Model good listening and speaking behavior for students
Students learn by how teachers listen and speak, which means it is important for educators to model the behaviors they wish students to emulate. This means that teachers need to practice good listening skills (focusing their full attention on the speaker without interrupting) and good speaking skills — paraphrasing the other person’s ideas before responding, clearly articulating ideas and using correct grammar and structure.
4. Provide structured activities for students to do during or after the listening activity
If students are watching a documentary or educational film, the teacher might pause periodically to have students write down questions. Alternatively, if students are participating in a group discussion, tell them to take turns as the speaker and provide specific instructions for those who are listening. This might involve taking notes on what the speaker is saying and reporting or paraphrasing their contributions. This strategies allows students to focus their points or ideas before participating in discussions.
5. Create ways for introverted students to participate and contribute to conversations
Quiet or introverted students often get left out of large group discussions. In order to make participation easier for them, allow students to show their agreement or disagreement with an idea by holding up two fingers for “yes” or three fingers for “no.” This allows all students to participate and indicate they have been listening as well as respond in a way that best suits their needs.

Hopefully it can be useful for the reader.


Translation Techniques Example

I want to wear siger  (the crown of the bride Lampung , triangular , gold-colored and usually has a branch or the crook of nine or seven) if I were get married.
Saya ingin memakai siger  jika saya nanti saya menikah.
I would like to do Saman dance ( the traditional Sumatra dance).
Saya akan menari tari Saman
I am joining to an student activity, Pencak Silat, (a traditional martial art from Indonesia)
Saya bergabung dalam sebuah kegiatan mahasiswa, Pencak Silat.
Tonight we would like to do Malam Midodareni, (This event is a traditional wedding ritual in Java ( apart from western Java ) At night of midodareni the bride only allowed in the bridal chamber and only brothers and female guests are allowed to see the bride. The girls and mothers).
Malam ini kita akan dilaksanakan malam midodareni.
I ate Pecel (an Indonesian vegetarian dish consists of  vegetables such us spinach, carot, and sprouts which spiked sauce made ​​from nuts and other spices) in the canteen.
Saya tadi makan Pecel di kantin.

B.     Adaptation
Do not make a fun of my sister!
Jangan membuat lelucon tentang kakak saya!
You have to keep in touch with your parents altough you are in abroad.
Kamu harus tetap menjaga hubungan/tetap berkomunikasi  dengan orang tuamu walaupun kamu berada di luar negeri.
We run out of sugar.
Kita kehabisan gula.
I am very exhausted, I need to take a nap.
Saya sangat lelah, saya butuh tidur siang.
My uncle does not make money for about 3 months.
Paman saya tidak menghasilkan uang selama 3 bulan.

C.    Transposition
I do not care about your anger.
Saya tidak peduli dengan kemarahanmu.
This is the handout for student.
Ini adalah buku pegangan siswa.
I am sorry it is out of my control. 
Maaf itu di luar kendali saya.
English teachers must have good pronuncation.
Guru-guru bahasa Inggris harus memilki pengucapan yang bagus.
He brokes his finger.
Jari kakinya patah.

D.    Modulation
You are going to have child.
Kamu akan menjadi seorang ayah.
I cut my finger.
Jariku terpotong.
It will be finished in two weeks time.
Itu akan terselesaikan dua minggu kedepan.
This problem is hard to be solved
Masalah ini sulit untuk diatasi.
You are the only one.
Kamu adalah satu-satunya.

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