In this globalization era,
it is better if we are using technology as media in teaching-learning process.
It will be a new challenge for the teachers and also the students, they have to
master and have good understanding or they must be expert in using technology. Technology has big impacts
to educational field. Through the technology, teaching-learning process to be
more easy for the teacher. In this globalization era, it is better if we are
using technology as media in teaching-learning process. It will be a new
challenge for the teachers and also the students, they have to master and have
good understanding or they must be expert in using technology. Technology has big impacts
to educational field. Through the technology, teaching-learning process to be
more easy and simple.
The teachers use technology as a
media to communicate with students. For example, teachers can hold no
face-to-face classroom. Teachers use an online application of social media to
provide instruction to students and include the tasks to be done by them, so
the activities that are usually done in the classroom in this case , the
activities are carried out through technology. It is very clear that the
current technological developments are very helpful in education. Some online
applications are often used social media to interact between teacher and
students are:
1. Edmodo
Edmodo is an educational
technology company offering communication, collaboration, and coaching tools to
K-12 schools and teachers. The Edmodo network enables teachers to share
content, distribute quizzes, assignments, and manage communication with
students, colleagues, and parents. Edmodo launched Snapshot – a suite of
assessment tools to measure student progress on educational standards. Edtech
digest awarded Edmodo Snapshot the Cool Tool Award for Best Assessment Solution.
2. Edublog
Edublog is a blog created for
educational purposes. Edublogs archive and support student and teacher learning
by facilitating reflection, questioning by self and others,collaboration and by
providing contexts for engaging in higher-order thinking. Edublogs proliferated
when blogging architecture became more simplified and teachers perceived the
instructional potential of blogs as an online resource. The use of blogs has
become popular in education institutions including public schools and colleges.
Blogs can be useful tools for sharing information and tips among co-workers,
providing information for students, or keeping in contact with parents. Common
examples include blogs written by or for teachers, blogs maintained for the
purpose of classroom instruction, or blogs written about educational policy.
Educators who blog are sometimes called edubloggers.
3. Moodle
Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented
Dynamic Learning Environment) is a free open-source learning management system
or e-Learning platform, that serves educators and learners across the globe. It
is the most widely used LMS in the world and currently has over 68 million
users world-wide and still growing. Moodle was developed in 2002 by Martin
Dougiamas to help educators create online courses with a focus on interaction
and collaborative construction of content. Since then, the main development of Moodle
is led by Martin and the core team at Moodle Headquarters, as well as hundreds
of other developers around the world who have helped fuel the growth of Moodle
through contributing and testing code, and being active participants in
community forums.
4. Animoto
Animoto is a cloud-based video
creation service that produces video from photos, video clips, and music into
video slideshows. Animoto can be used in education for countless projects
and presentations. Students can use the tool to present a concept. A teacher
could use the video as an introduction to a lesson. A teacher could also use
the tool to teach a concept or the tool itself to other educators.
In fact there are
many more online social media apllications that can be used in education
. Technological developments and the developments will continue to support in
the education field.