Translation Techniques Example

I want to wear siger  (the crown of the bride Lampung , triangular , gold-colored and usually has a branch or the crook of nine or seven) if I were get married.
Saya ingin memakai siger  jika saya nanti saya menikah.
I would like to do Saman dance ( the traditional Sumatra dance).
Saya akan menari tari Saman
I am joining to an student activity, Pencak Silat, (a traditional martial art from Indonesia)
Saya bergabung dalam sebuah kegiatan mahasiswa, Pencak Silat.
Tonight we would like to do Malam Midodareni, (This event is a traditional wedding ritual in Java ( apart from western Java ) At night of midodareni the bride only allowed in the bridal chamber and only brothers and female guests are allowed to see the bride. The girls and mothers).
Malam ini kita akan dilaksanakan malam midodareni.
I ate Pecel (an Indonesian vegetarian dish consists of  vegetables such us spinach, carot, and sprouts which spiked sauce made ​​from nuts and other spices) in the canteen.
Saya tadi makan Pecel di kantin.

B.     Adaptation
Do not make a fun of my sister!
Jangan membuat lelucon tentang kakak saya!
You have to keep in touch with your parents altough you are in abroad.
Kamu harus tetap menjaga hubungan/tetap berkomunikasi  dengan orang tuamu walaupun kamu berada di luar negeri.
We run out of sugar.
Kita kehabisan gula.
I am very exhausted, I need to take a nap.
Saya sangat lelah, saya butuh tidur siang.
My uncle does not make money for about 3 months.
Paman saya tidak menghasilkan uang selama 3 bulan.

C.    Transposition
I do not care about your anger.
Saya tidak peduli dengan kemarahanmu.
This is the handout for student.
Ini adalah buku pegangan siswa.
I am sorry it is out of my control. 
Maaf itu di luar kendali saya.
English teachers must have good pronuncation.
Guru-guru bahasa Inggris harus memilki pengucapan yang bagus.
He brokes his finger.
Jari kakinya patah.

D.    Modulation
You are going to have child.
Kamu akan menjadi seorang ayah.
I cut my finger.
Jariku terpotong.
It will be finished in two weeks time.
Itu akan terselesaikan dua minggu kedepan.
This problem is hard to be solved
Masalah ini sulit untuk diatasi.
You are the only one.
Kamu adalah satu-satunya.

Digital Technologies for English Language Teaching

Technology plays an important role in all aspects of life in this global era. Technology becomes a necessity that can not be underestimated. Technological developments demanded to be followed. All the convenience offered through technology . Human can not avoid it. The world and technology as two things that can not be separated . Technology is so easy to influence all areas of human life on earth . All sectors such as health, economy , education , and so on. Particularly in the field of education: teaching , technology plays an important role in learning activities . Technology , enables educators to perform their duties . it requires teachers to deal with all sorts of technological developments that will happen .

Nowadays, a lot of tools are useful in every field, especially in education.  Teachers can use this application to support their teaching process.
1. Film and video,
2. Application in iPad,
3. Travel Sector Digital> or virtual field trips are guided through the exploration world wide web web page that organizes a collection of pre-screened, thematically based into structured online learning experience.
4. Podcasts> podcast is a form of digital media consisting of an episodic series of audio, video, digital radio, PDF or ePub files subscribed to and automatically downloaded through web syndication or streamed online to a computer or mobile device.
5. Pen Pal> are the people who regularly write to each other, especially through the mail.
6. Web Quests> A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all of the information that learners work with comes from the web. It can be made using a variety of programs, including a simple word processing document that includes a link to the website.
7. Game online,
8. Blogging,
9. Skype> Skype is an application that provides video chat and voice calling services.
and other sources

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